Benalmádena Getting My Property Ready For Rental FAQ

Getting My Property Ready For Rental in Benalmádena Frequently Asked Questions

Contact UsWhen choosing to rent out your property in Benalmádena there are a few things you will need to do to get your property ready. At HomeCare Property Management we have extensive experience in knowing what works and what doesn’t in your property in order to gain maximum rental income.

Communicating with our multilingual and proficient team will be a gratifying and heartening experience as they allay fears and meticulously respond to your questions. Helping you to continue your day with the comfort and motivation you deserve.

At HomeCare Property Management, we appreciate that renting your property in Benalmádena is vital, but so is its care. That's why we only lease properties that subscribe to our property management services. This ensures all properties are well-maintained and entice clients to return for every holiday.

Whether it be holiday rentals or long-term rentals you are looking for, HomeCare Property Management can manage all your needs as a property owner, implementing a relaxing process for your comfort and ease.

We also offer furniture packages to help get your property in Benalmádena ready for rental. These are organised by our special home furnishing and interior design services, allowing you to create a holiday home which will gain lots of attention.

"Just a quick note to say how impressed I am with your service, the professional way in which you do business, and your amazing online communications system. As someone who runs an international PR firm I can tell you I am very hard to impress. It gives me so much reassurance to know that my property is being looked after so well when I am so far away. After owning my apartment for ten years and gone through three management agents yours is definitely the one that beats them all." - Mary, Dublin

Getting My Property Ready For Rental in Benalmádena FAQ

Q. How do I know if my property in Benalmádena is ready for rental?

A. When contacting HomeCare Property Management about setting up your property for rental we will organise to go around your property and check all the utilities and furniture, to then decide with you whether you want to update anything and what you can expect to earn.

Q. Do I need to take out any particular insurance to get my property in Benalmádena ready for rental?

A. When deciding to rent your property out in Benalmádena, it is vital that you make sure your property is fully insured and that the insurance company knows that it is going to be rented out. If you are not sure who to go with for your insurance, we can recommend a company for you.

Q. Are there any safety features I need to install to get my property rental in Benalmádena ready?

A. Your home in Benalmádena must be safe for guests to stay in, to ensure this the Rental Law states that all properties must have smoke detectors, fire blankets and fire extinguishers. A First Aid Kit is also essential.

Q. Do I need to make modifications to my property in Benalmádena before renting?

A. Depending on how modern your property is and the utilities inside it, in order to get your property ready for rental we recommend making sure that you follow our list on our website explaining what we suggest you have in each room. If any utilities you have are outdated or faulty slightly this could cause problems in the long run for you with constant maintenance upkeep.

Q. Is it a problem if I have had pets on the property?

A. Not at all. You can even make your property available to guests with pets, opening up a different opportunity of guests. This will of course also impact guests who are allergic, therefore, it is an option worth thinking about.

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Q. Can I leave any belongings on the property?

A. When getting your property ready for rental in Benalmádena, the less personal belongings in the property they better, as there is less chance for damage. However, if you have a room or loft which you can lock then certainly, you can store your personal belongings in there.

Q. How can I make sure that guests know the house rules?

A. It is now Law when getting a property ready for rental that they have a Guest Manual inside with relevant property information and important emergency contacts. If there are any specific house rules such as noise levels and where the bins are, then this can be placed alongside the Guest Manual in an obvious place.

Q. Does HomeCare Property Management offer help in designing my property for rentals?

A. We have a good relationship with Home Furnishing and Interior Design Service companies in Benalmádena and on the coast for all our owners who are getting their property ready for rental. This includes furniture packages as well as tried and tested suppliers giving their experienced knowledge on interior design ideas.

Getting My Property Ready For Rental in Benalmádena FAQ Summary

When getting your property set for rental, envision who you would like to host, whether it's a family with children or a group of golfers. This will help you ensure that the proper furniture is installed in your Benalmádena property.